House of Venomous Things – Georgiann Carlson

things are rarely what they seem
people often
put on a face for show
so no one sees the lies
that live behind their eyes
the trouble dancing
in their minds
the poison
in their very beings
like venomous plants
begging you to touch their lovely leaves
some houses beg you to touch
their venomous things
but beware
once entrapped
it’s difficult to find the exit
the venom may seem exciting
at first
but it’s toxic
and can kill what’s inside of you

Artwork:  AI-generated art from Pixabay

Native Chicagoan, former Women’s Rights, Animal Rights activist, book lover, animal lover, pissed-off feminist, artist, poet, writer, plant lover, and CAT person.   You can read more of my writing at Rethinking Life.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Resa says:

    Okay.. not even going in!

    Thanks Gi!


  2. Thank you, Resa. appreciate it.


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