Writing/Creativity Prompt Challenge: House of Venomous Things

The Heretics, Lovers, and Madmen Literary Collective loves a good writing/creativity prompt challenge. Our goal is to provide prompts on a regular basis. We hope that our ‘Shadow in the Frame’ prompt stirs your muse and that you consider submitting your prompt response to Heretics, Lovers, and Madmen for publication.

We welcome poetry, prose, flash fiction, creative nonfiction, essays, and/or original art inspired by the prompt. Your response piece may be previously published as long as you retain the rights to your work. If your piece is accepted for publication, you are expected to visit Heretics, Lovers, and Madmen within five (5) days of publication and respond to any reader feedback. To submit your prompt response, click here

There is only one rule to HLM prompt challenges: the prompt should serve as the title of your piece OR all the words in the prompt should be integrated into your piece somehow.   

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